Diploma Exam Schedules
Watch the school news and announcements for important information regarding Diploma Exams.
Grade 12 students will need to set up their MyPass account so that they can view their results and access any future transcripts. Please see Mrs. Fessler who can help with this process.
https://www.alberta.ca/ student-information-high- school-transcripts.aspx
Diploma Information for Students, Parents, and Guardians
Alberta Education has recently mandated that parents and guardians of student who are participating in an Alberta Diploma mandated course be made aware of certain data collection. During the administration of Diploma Exams, Alberta Education collects personal information, including student legal name, Alberta Student Number (ASN), and student responses. This notification is required to comply with the expectation found within the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (RSA 2000, C. F-25).
General Diploma Exam Information: Alberta Education, About the Diplomas
The Writing Diploma Exams webpage includes guides for students, exemplars, schedule, registration and fees, rules for students, diploma exam weightings, frequently asked questions and more.
Graphing Calculator Information: Using Calculators and Approved Calculators
Diploma Exam Exemption Information
General Exemption Information can be found from page 26 to page 33: Accommodations and Special Cases
To apply for an exemption, complete: Request for Exemption from Writing Diploma Exam
- Requires the Physician Confirmation Form be completed by a doctor and submitted with the exemption application.
- For clarification on any exemptions, please contact the office: 403-783-4411

Inclement Weather
- If Wolf Creek schools are closed because of poor weather conditions (temperature and/or wind chill, freezing rain, fog etc) PSC remains open as a writing center for diploma exams.
- Students do not automatically receive an Inclement Weather exemption. Students need to apply for an exemption and provide supporting documentation as to why they could not be present to write the exam.
- The application requires the signature of the school principal or designate.
- If you have any questions regarding an Inclement Weather Exemption, please call the school 403-783-4411